Category: Queries

How to Change SQL Server Compatibility level

  Changing Database compatibility level will be required when you upgrade your database from one version to another and you want to use the latest feature for sql version. For details on compatibility check this earlier post. For example lets say when you upgrade a database from sql server 2012 to 2014 the compatibility level

How to check transaction log file size in Sql server

In SQL server to check transaction log file size you can simply run this dbcc sqlperf(“logspace”) . This query will provide you the transaction log usage statistics for all the databases.   The other way round is to run this DMV query which will provide you the usage for the selected database. Note,this will provide you

How to find columns and datatypes of table quickly

When you are troubleshooting or working on any enhancement activities you may want to see the details of the table like how many column table has , the data type of those column  or where the table is being used in view ,triggers.. You can simply select the table and press ALT+F1 to view all