SQL Server concat_ws function available starting 2017
SQL Server concat_ws function available starting 2017:
Concat_ws is a new function introduced in sql server 2017.
CONCAT_WS ( separator, argument1, argument1 [, argumentN]… )
Concat_ws will take the separator as the first argument and will then concatenate variable number of argument into a single string.
You will need a separator and minimum of two arguments or else you will get an error. Concat_ws will
ignore the null values.
Lets check the below example on concat_ws works.
create table dbo.emp
( id int,
first_name varchar(100),
middle_name varchar(100),
last_name varchar(100))
insert into dbo.emp values( 1, ‘Sam’,null,’Mellinger’)
insert into dbo.emp values( 2, ‘Tom’,’E’,’Mellinger’)
insert into dbo.emp values( 3, null,null,null)
In this example you can also see how the null values are ignored if they are not present in the argument.
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