Translate function in Sql server 2017

With the new translate function in SQL server 2017 you can now replace the string for multiple characters at the…

7 years ago

Trim function in sql server 2017

Before Sql server 2017 we only had LTRIM and RTRIM function available to remove spaces from left and right separately. …

7 years ago

SQL Server concat_ws function available starting 2017

SQL Server concat_ws function available starting 2017: Concat_ws is a new function introduced in sql server 2017. Syntax: CONCAT_WS (…

7 years ago

how to add new row data in power bi

  If you have loaded a table manually in Power BI and you want to add a new row to…

7 years ago

What You Know About Maximum Number Of Non Clustered Index In Sql Server

What You Know About Maximum Number Of Non Clustered Index In Sql Server ? You may not be creating so…

7 years ago

What is the limit of columns that can be included in an index

For SQL Server 2012 the limit of columns that can be included in the index is 16. SQL Server 2016…

7 years ago

What is the limit of index size for non clustered index?

In SQL Server 2014 version the limit of index size is 900 bytes. In SQL Server 2016 version the limit…

7 years ago

Can we fire a trigger Manually

No we cannot fire a trigger manually. It will only occur when an event occurs like insert,update or delete.

7 years ago

how to find list of heap tables in the database.

Below query can be used to find heap table in sql server. SELECT T.Name 'HeaptableName' FROM sys.indexes I INNER JOIN…

7 years ago

What is a heap table

A HEAP table in a sql server is a table without a clustered index. It can have non clustered index…

7 years ago